AIDSO and Students of the country wholeheartedly support All India General Strike called by Central Trade Unions

Students Pledge News Dt 20.03.2022 – The Central trade unions have called for an All India General strike on March 28 and 29. AIDSO and the struggling students of the country extend wholehearted support to the general strike against several anti people policies of Central and State Governments. Expressing his support, the All India General Secretary of AIDSO, Shri SouravGhosh has said: “Since the time of independence, people of all walks of life have been facing severe onslaught of economic, political, cultural attacks both from central and respective State governments.…

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Immediate evacuate all Indian citizens from Ukraine – AIDSO

Students Pledge News Dt 02.03.2022 – Students Pledge News Dt 02.03.2022 – Expressing deep condolences at the death of an Indian students from Karnataka, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary, AIDSO issued following statement : “AIDSO express deep regret at the death of an Indian medical student in Ukraine in the attack by imperialist Russia. We condemn this unilateral brutal military attack by Russia on Ukraine violating all international humanitarian laws. Practically Ukraine is crushed between imperialist Russia and USA led NATO. Thousands of students from different parts of the world in…

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AIDSO vehemently condemns PM’s urge to the Private Sectors to open up medical college.

Students Pledge News Dt 28.02.2022 – Reacting to the urge by PM to the private sector to open up medical colleges, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary, AIDSO issues following statement: “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a clarion call to the corporate agencies for opening Private Medical Colleges in our country. AIDSO vehemently condemn this decision of the government. In the midst of the ongoing war in Ukraine, when bringing the stranded students back to home land is a duty of a responsible government, Mr. Modi is trying to open the…

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AIDSO vehemently condemns Russian military invasion on Ukraine and the war of multi-polarisation

Students Pledge News Dt 25.02.2022 – “The heart wrenching news and pictures, coming from Ukraine, have shaken the entire world. Within no time, hundreds of people died, were injured and had become homeless. This has been the dreadful consequence of conflict on domination between US imperialism and Russian imperialism. We find that this war is nothing but yet another survival strategy of crisis-ridden capitalist forces. Around the world, the problems of unemployment, retrenchment, education, public safety etc. have surged, which has resulted in people’s outburst against the existing system. This…

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Union Budget: Pro-corporate and anti-people A budget to implement NEP-2020

Students Pledge News Dt 02.02.2022 – Responding to the Union Budget 2022-23, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary, AIDSO stated:“The education budget 2022-23 is nothing but a budget to implement highly criticized NEP-2020. Digitalisation is the keyfocus of the government in the present budget which is a prime agenda of the NEP as well.While recognizing about a loss of almost two years of study during the pandemic, this budget calls for expansion of “oneclass – one TV channel” PM e-VIDYA programme from 12 to 200 TV channels. Keeping in mind, the alreadyexperienced…

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Police brutality against anti K – Rail protestors including AIDSO Leaders in Attingal, Thiruvananthapuram

Students Pledge News Dt 01.02.2022 – Reacting to the police attack on K-rail protestors in Kerala, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary, AIDSO issued the following statement – “In a disgraceful act, the Kerala police brutally manhandled anti K – Rail protestors including State Committee members of AIDSO Govind Sasi and Ajith Mathew in Attingal, Thiruvananthapuram and arrested many of them. The protestors were peacefully demonstrating against the K – Rail authorities who had arrived to install survey stones in violation of a High Court directive against the same. Flaunting all norms…

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AIDSO condemns the brutal Police attack on the RRB-NTPC aspirants

Students Pledge News Dt 27.01.2022 – Condemning the brutal police attack on the RRB-NTPC aspirants in Patna, Bihar and Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, General Secretary of AIDSO, Sourav Ghosh issues the following statement to the press:“Brutal lathicharge by the police on the students who were protesting peacefully against the irregularities inRRB-NTPC examinations, exposes not only the undemocratic and inhumane character of the governmentmachinery but also the real face of the central government as well as the different state governments whoboast loud about the developments happened in their period and about their…

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Nationwide Demand Day on Withdrawal of all cases filed against resident doctors

Students Pledge News -03.01.2022 – Against the Unjustified delay of NEET PG and NEET UG Counselling, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary of AIDSO said in a statement: “The past couple of years have witnessed a grave crisis in the health sector of our country, especially, in times of Corona Pandemic. While the Hospitals are already understaffed and struggling to help the mankind in these difficult times, the medicos across the country are compelled to come on streets against the unjustified delay in NEET PG and UG counselling. It has not only…

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Strongly condemn undue and unjustified delay in the counselling of NEET PG and NEET UG

Students Pledge News-18/12/2021 – Regarding undue delay of NEET UG and NEET PG counselling, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary of AIDSO stated: “We strongly condemn the undue and unjustified delay in the counselling of NEET PG and NEET UG which was scheduled to be held much earlier. The Union Government is fully responsible for this delay in counselling. The students who have qualified in the exams are in deep crisis due to uncertainty created by the indifferent attitude of the government. Due to this undue delay in counselling there will be…

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Strongly condemn Brutal attack on the Resident Doctors

Students Pledge News 28/12/2021 – Denouncing attacks on resident doctors in Delhi today, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary of AIDSO stated: “We strongly condemn the brutal attack on the resident doctors by the Delhi Police while they were protestingdemocratically. The counselling of NEET PG and NEET UG has been deferred unusually and the residentdoctors have become overburdened inhumanely in different medical colleges and hospitals. On the other side,thousands of successful candidates have become stressed and are waiting anxiously for the date ofcounselling. Practically, one academic year has been lapsed already. The…

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