AIDSO Condemns the Recommendation of NCERT Panel to Replace ‘India’ with ‘Bharat’

StudentsPledge News Dated 26.10.2023 –

Strongly condemning the recommendations of Social Science committee of the NCERT to replace ‘India’ with ‘Bharat’, Sourav Ghosh, the General Secretary of AIDSO has issued following statement to the press.
He said, “The recommendation of Social Science committee of the NCERT to replace ‘India’ with ‘Bharat’ in all Social Science textbooks up to Class 12 will destroy the real spirit of education which was envisioned by renaissance thinkers and revolutionary freedom fighters of the country. When the Indian Constitution uses both the names ‘Bharat’ and ‘India’ interchangeably, the Supreme Court of
India has twice rejected pleas to rename ‘India’ to ‘Bharat’, the NCERT panel is only trying to provoke the Sentiment of National Jingoism again by making such recommendations to divert the attention from genuine problems plaguing the socio-economic system in general and education system in particular of our country.
The committee further recommends to highlight the ‘Hindu victories’ in wars of the past against the ‘Mughals and Sultans’ as synonymous with the victory of India which is not only wrong but unhistorical also. The Panel has also recommended for the implementation of the so-called Indian Knowledge System which is detrimental to the scientific and secular spirit of education. AIDSO
believes that these recommendations are done in accordance with the communal ‘Hindutva’ agenda of the BJP-led central government. Through the NCERT panel, it is furthering outright centralisation of education which is in stark contrast to the democratic aspect of education in our country.
Hence, AIDSO demands NCERT to discard these recommendations as they will destroy the real educational fabric of our country. AIDSO also calls upon all education-loving and democratic minded people of the country to oppose the agenda of the central government to impose its hindutva fundamentalistic ideology on people through education with such recommendations.”

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