AIDSO demands to Stop unscientific mixing of Modern Medicine with AYUSH

Demanding to stop unscientific mixing of Modern Medicine with AYUSH, Sourav Ghosh, the General Secretary of AIDSO has issued the following Press Statement

Recently the ‘Draft Regulations for compulsory Rotational Internship 2021’ has been published on the website of the National Medical Commission (NMC) and it is found that the MBBS interns will have to be trained by the Indian System of Medicine as the elective subject for one week each. It is stated that if the subjects of AYUSH i, e. Ayurvedic, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy are available in the hospital then the MBBS interns may opt for these subjects in their one-year compulsory rotational training. We strongly oppose this curriculum prepared by NMC. This type of mixing of the MBBS curriculum with the AYUSH system which is completely different from the curriculum of modern medicine is unscientific, anti-students and harmful to the medical science, public health delivery system and society as a whole.

From the very beginning when NMC Bill was drafted, the central government tried to introduce cross pathy in many ways. Initially, they introduced a bridge course for the other systems of medicine to make them equivalent to MBBS. But it was rolled back due to severe protests by the medical community in particular and the education loving people in general from the whole country. When NMC Bill was enacted it was found that the government added one Clause to introduce cross pathy in the name of medical pluralism. Now they are going to implement it by introducing AYUSH subject in the internship curriculum.

From the very beginning, we have been opposing the implementation of NMC and the unscientific approach incorporated in it. We demand immediate withdrawal of this heinous policy to save the medical education, public health delivery system and society as a whole. We appeal to the countrymen to build up a mighty resistant movement against this conspiracy.

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