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AIDSO demands Immediate Withdrawal of the Decision to start NExT Step 1 during the Session

Students Pledge Date 28.06.2023 – A webinar was conducted by the National Medical Commission (NMC) on 27 June 2023, where theydeclared that the current final year batch (2019 batch) will have to sit for the National Exit Test (NExTStep 1). On this occasion, Sourav Ghosh, the General Secretary of AIDSO has issued the followingstatement:“On 27 June 2023, the NMC has declared that the current final year batch has to sit for NExT Step 1but they did not declare the date of the exam. It is obvious that, whatever may be…

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AIDSO Condemns the Assault on Democratic Rights Intended to Prevent Mahapanchayat

StudentsPledge Date 28.05.2023 – Condemning the arrest of protesting wrestlers Sakshi Malik, Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia, several activists and prominent leaders of social movements who were en route to participate in the Mahapanchayat at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi in solidarity with the protesting wrestlers, AIDSO General Secretary Sourav Ghosh has issued the following statement to the press: He said, “Few metres away from the new parliament, which the Prime Minister of India is inaugurating as the ‘temple of democracy’, democratic rights are being assailed and violated by Delhi Police…

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Solidarity Message to the struggling students of Geyzing College

StudentsPledge Date 12.05.2023 – The All India Committee of AIDSO extends its heartfelt solidarity with the protesting students of GeyzingGovernment Degree College of Sikkim.While the students are demanding the timely completion of institution’s building, which is very much a democratic demand but the government disrespecting the democratic practices is taking actions like arresting and expulsion of students. Even after serving a legal notice which allows those students to continue their study, the college authority has been reluctant to issue admit cards for the end-session exams. It cannot be denied that…

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AIDSO vehemently condemns the brutal attack by police on the struggling wrestlers at Jantar Mantar as well as Students Solidarity Rally in DU

StudentsPledge Date 04.05.2023 – Condemning the police brutality on the wrestlers & DU students, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary, AIDSO stated in the press statement: “AIDSO strongly condemns the brutal attack by Delhi Police on the struggling wrestlers at Jantar Mantar as well as on the students solidarity rally in DU and stands United in solidarity with the fighting Wrestlers. It is known to all that the wrestlers of our country have taken to the streets of the capital and have been protesting persistently against the sexual harassment that they had…

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AIDSO Delhi vehemently condemns police brutality on students of DU protesting in solidarity with the struggling wrestlers at Jantar Mantar

StudentsPledge Date 03.05.2023 – Condemning the police brutality on students of DU protesting peacefully and democratically, in solidarity with the struggling wrestlers at Jantar Mantar, Shreya, Secretary, AIDSO Delhi stated in a press statement:“We all know that the wrestlers of our country have taken to the streets of the capital and have been protesting at Jantar Mantar, seeking justice against the sexual harassment that they had to face at hands of the WFI President and BJP MP, Brijbhushan Sharan Singh. In support of the movement, AIDSO alongwith all the left…

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AIDSO severely condemns the omission Darwinian Theory of Evolution from School Curriculum

Studentspledge Date 25.04.2023 – Opposing the heinous fascistic move to omit several important chapters including Darwinian Theory of evolution from the school curriculum, AIDSO General Secretary Sourav Ghosh said in a statement: This move by NCERT, on the grounds of reducing syllabus load is very much dangerous in many aspects. The removal of evolutionary biology from class X means that only those students who will choose biology as a subject in science stream from class XI will learn about the theory. However, it is a fact that understanding Darwinian Theory…

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Revoke the undemocratic and arbitrary changes made by NCERT in the text books of 10th and 12th standards – AIDSO

Date 05.04.2023 – Revoke the undemocratic and arbitrary changes made by NCERT in the text books of 10th and 12th standards – AIDSO“It’s highly condemnable that the NCERT in tune with the divisive, communal & intolerant politics of BJP has arbitrarily resorted to changes in 10th and 12th standard History, Civics, Hindi and Political Science Textbooks. Thus a crime against rational thinking, culture & civilisation is being perpetrated” said AIDSO General Secretary, Sourav Ghosh in a statement issued to press.Further he said, “It’s deplorable the central government has once again…

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