To repeal NEP 2020,a massive protest rally organised by AIDSO walked from College Square to Rani Rasmoni Avenue

Kolkata,14 September:A massive protest rally and gathering was held today remembering 1st September,the historic “Chhatra Saheed Diwas” at College Square,Kolkata with demands to repeal NEP 2020, appoint in all vacant posts, reject PPP Model in education, to provide rigorous punishment to the corrupted MLAs and MPs, to ensure admission of all students and to provide sufficient classroom teaching etc.Above ten thousand students from all over West Bengal even from Sundarbans, Jangalmahal and tea garden area including the Ph.D scholars, medical and engineering students spontaneously joined the rally. Samsul Alam ,…

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WE Stand in Solidarity with ‘IUSF’

Students Pledge – 06.09.2022 – On behalf of All India Democratic Students Organisation (AIDSO), as we stand in solidaritywith the movement against the undemocratic fascist rule and system of state power in Sri Lanka, weconvey our warmest revolutionary greetings to the protesting students, activists and leaders of Inter University Students’ Federation (IUSF) who have been an integral part in this fight.Your letter depicts the movement against the ruling dispensations, and repression by lawenforcement agencies in a country which was once a case study in the world of bourgeois economics, with…

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AIDSO vehemently condemns the police brutality on the protesting Students in West Bengal

Students Pledge News – On August 17, anti-fee hike student protestors were brutally attacked by the police administration, backed by the ruling political party. This heinous incident happened inside the Haldibari College in Cooch Behar district on August 17 when students were peacefully protesting under the leadership of AIDSO against fee hike. Demanding exemplary punishment of the accused police officer a procession reached the SP office in a peaceful manner, suddenly police again attacked the unarmed student activists. The students were pulled by their clothes, verbally abused, and mercilessly lathi-charged.…

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‘Dalit’ student was brutally thrashed & murdered for drinking water from Headmasters water pot in Rajasthan – AIDSO condemns the brutal murder & demands exemplary punishment

On 20th July a ‘Dalit’ student of class III, was brutally thrashed for touching the water pot of his so called ‘Upper Caste’ headmaster at Saraswati Vidyalaya, Jalore district in Rajasthan. The child died after 23 days, even being shifted to Ahmedabad Hospital. Severely Condemning this murder, AIDSO General Secretary Saurav Ghosh has issued the following statement-  “This murder has shocked the heart of every sensible person with humanity in our country. We are upset. We feel that in a society, a teacher haven’t only the duty to teach the academics but also have a…

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The circular banning Students’ right to protest in Lakshadweep is undemocratic

Students Pledge News Dt – 23rd June 2022 – Lakshadweep administration’s Directorate of Education has banned all kind of protests like “strikes, dharnas, gherao, processions etc.” on school and college campuses in the Union territory through an official order in the wake of recent student strikes which demanded basic facilities for students in various institutions under the administration. Sri. Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary of AIDSO demanded immediate withdrawal of the circular as it denies democratic rights of the students to organise and raise their voice against injustice. AIDSO observes that…

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Agneepath Scheme will further curtail the scope of employment in public sector

Students Pledge News Dt 17th June 2022 – Condemning the government’s conspiracy to eliminate permanent jobs under the guise of Agneepath scheme which has been brought about by changing the rules of army recruitment, AIDSO General Secretary SouravGhosh issued following statement to the press:“ By altering the recruitment rules of all three wings of the armed forces and by limiting the recruitment to four years, the government is trying to deceive the youth of the country. Today, when the government has abolished government jobs by means of privatisation in all…

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AIDSO condemns omission of lesson on Bhagat Singh and adding speech of K.B. Hedgewar in Kannada textbook

StudentsPledge News Dt 17.05.2022 – In another instance of syllabus alteration, the present BJP-ruled Karnataka State Government has omitted a lesson on great revolutionary Bhagat Singh and another on Vivekananda’s humanist thoughts from school textbooks, and has, instead, introduced a speech of K.B.Hedgewar. Strongly denouncing this decision, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary, AIDSO has made the following statement to the press: “It is an eye-opener to the entire country that the party in power, which claims to be the champion of patriotism, has omitted a lesson on great revolutionary who sacrificed…

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CBSE has undemocratically excluded certain portions from its curriculum – AIDSO severely condemns the move

Students Pledge News – Dt.25.04.2022 – Continuing the attack on the democratic – secular contents in the school syllabus, the CBSE has excluded certain portions from its curriculum for the academic year 2022 – 23, which was released on April 21. Addressing the issue, Sourav Ghosh, the General Secretary of AIDSO has released the following statement: The education system in India is coming under increasing attacks by the ruling dispensation led by the BJP – RSS. Ruling party tampering with school textbooks in tune with its exclusionist, sectarian & divisive ideology is…

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AIDSO opposes Competency Based Medical Education (CBME)

Students Pledge News Dt 1.04.2022 – Today in a press statement Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary of AIDSO, All India committee said: “AIDSO strongly condemn the circular of NMC, dated 31st March 2022. In the said circular, in the name of competency based medical education (CBME) NMC is introducing a bunch of unscientific speculative and backdated thoughts in the medical curriculum. When minutes of a meeting was published few days back, the entire medical community of the country opposed the proposal of discriminating and unscientific Charak Sapath in place of the…

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AIDSO strongly protest the decision to introduce CUET for all Central Universities

Students Pledge News Dt 31.03.2022 – The UGC recently has announced to introduce Common Universities Entrance Test (CUET) at all India level for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in all Central Universities and their affiliating colleges. Andfor other higher educational institutions like State, Private, Deemed Universities also has been asked to join and use CUET score for admission into UG, PG courses. As is stated in the recent UGC declarations this decision will be implemented from the academic session 2022 -23 and the process has already been started to…

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