“Victory of Historic Farmers Movement” – Students Stand With the Farmers’

AIDSO Statement – 19.11.2021 – After the announcement to repeal three farm laws by the Prime Minister of India today, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary of All India Democratic Students’ Organisation stated:

“This victory of farmers and common people of this country would be imprinted in the history of not only India but of entire world. One year long consistent battle against the three farm acts led by the farmers and joined by women, students, youth, workers and every section of toiling people has compelled the PM to make this announcement possible. This valorous struggle can never forget the sacrifice of more than 700 people who laid their lives to bring this movement a success.

All India Democratic Students’ Organisation, which has joined this movement from the Day one with the slogan ‘Desh ke Chhatra Kisanon ke Sath’ and has been consistently organising students throughout the country to strengthen it, congratulates the student community to play a brilliant role in this historic movement.

This movement is teaching us that that no power in this world, no matter how oppressive, can stop the victory march of the toiling people fighting for a democratic demand if it is fought tirelessly, unwaveringly with a correct direction.

We appeal to the student community of India to remain vigilant and help to continue the movement till the three farm laws are repealed in the parliament. Also, the movement shall continue with renewed strength to guarantee procurement of all crops at MSP and 50 percent more than the cost prices, to withdraw all false cases registered against farmers throughout the country and to force the Modi government to own up the responsibility of the families of martyred farmers.

We also appeal to the entire student community to take lesson from this historic movement and develop a powerful movement against the disastrous NEP-2020, the policy which destroys the future of students, nation and society.

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