Students Pledge News Dt 17th June 2022 – Condemning the government’s conspiracy to eliminate permanent jobs under the guise of Agneepath scheme which has been brought about by changing the rules of army recruitment, AIDSO General Secretary Sourav
Ghosh issued following statement to the press:
“ By altering the recruitment rules of all three wings of the armed forces and by limiting the recruitment to four years, the government is trying to deceive the youth of the country. Today, when the government has abolished government jobs by means of privatisation in all spheres, lakhs of students who are worried about their future prepare day and night for army recruitment. In many states, the youth were waiting for the recruitment after taking the exams, all of which were cancelled. The intention of the government in bringing about temporary jobs of 4 years, that too on contract basis, is to avoid taking any responsibility of the people of the country in any form. As it is, the future of the students and youth have become uncertain due to the policy of contractualisation in many other services. This scheme, enticingly named as ‘Agneepath’, is merely another among the anti-people policies of the central government. The situation is similar in all sectors. By eliminating permanent recruitment and through steps like contractualisation, outsourcing, and fixed term employment, the policies of the government are pushing the lives of the younger generation of the country into complete uncertainty and darkness. AIDSO strongly condemns these policies and actions of the government. The students and youth have seen through the facade and have rightly understood Agneepath as a scheme that will begin the privatisation and contractualisation of the army. Lakhs of students whom the government had hoped to hoodwink through the title of ‘Agniveer’ have now taken to the streets in many states, in protest against the same scheme.
The police have baton charged the agitating students and youth in many places. A spontaneous movement has started across the country. As a result, the upper age limit has been increased from 21 to 23 within 24 hours of the commencement of protests. Comrade Sourav Ghosh also appealed to the student youth that there is a need for a long-lasting and disciplined movement against these anti-people policies of the government, which the youth of the country will have to organise with correct and deep understanding.
Simultaneously, students will have to stand up against all anti-education, anti-people policies of the government; only then will this movement reach its authentic culmination.”
Agneepath Scheme will further curtail the scope of employment in public sector