Students Pledge News Dt 31.03.2022 – The UGC recently has announced to introduce Common Universities Entrance Test (CUET) at all India level for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in all Central Universities and their affiliating colleges. And
for other higher educational institutions like State, Private, Deemed Universities also has been asked to join and use CUET score for admission into UG, PG courses. As is stated in the recent UGC declarations this decision will be implemented from the academic session 2022 -23 and the process has already been started to frame the syllabus for the same entrance test. AIDSO General Secretary Sourav Ghosh while condemning the decision has said that the recent decision to hold CUET, is a design of NEP – 2020 will not only curtail the autonomy of the different Central Universities at the which same time this decision will pave the way for the Centralization of education will create huge disparities among the students within the state and also among the states.
He also stated that presently the students of our country are getting school education and higher secondary education from different boards with different syllabi. That’s why in this situation all the central, state universities follow their admission procedure according to their requirement and condition. But UGC crashing all such democratic rights of the universities, in a fascist way has imposed a single level playing field for all the students. Which is a sheer violation of the constitutional rights of the state governments and gross interference with the rights of the states, as education is on the concurrent list. He further said that the CUET will force the students coming from the marginalised section of society out of higher education. On the other hand, if scores of CUET
will be the only criteria for admission into UG and PG then there will be less important in higher secondary examinations and ultimately school education will be jeopardised.
CUET is being done to make the education system of our country a global commodity for maximization of profit both for the national and international market players. This CUET will also put extra burden and stress on the students already overburdened by the semester systems. While lakhs of teaching posts are lying vacant and universities are not getting adequate financial support over the years this decision to hold common entrance test will further decrease the quality of teaching as the entire final year will engage both the teachers and students for the preparation of the exams and in the process ultimately the coaching centres will reap profit out of this.
Hence, AIDSO strongly urge before the UGC to withdraw this anti student’s undemocratic proposal to hold CUET. Also, we demand before the government to fulfil all necessities of universities starting from infrastructure to faculties and provide educational Autonomy to all the Universities. At the same time AIDSO also calls upon the students, teachers and parents to raise their voice and get organised to resist this centralised fascist move of the government.
AIDSO strongly protest the decision to introduce CUET for all Central Universities