Date – 29.07.2021 – AIDSO and its supporters long been hauling the direction of students’ movement and past few months it had been reaching to its climax. The demands they are raising like protest against result chaos in higher secondary, the same in college-university exams, reopening campuses with vaccinating all students, teachers, staffs, including students from 12 to 18 years in schools. Along with this demand state-wide school education department and DI office have been intimated for more than a month, deputing the education minister, holding protests in the assembly and even sending letters to the education minister and the chief minister urging the government to comply. Since the demands are not met and these demands became so popular among students AIDSO called for a state wide blockade program on 26 July. In view of this, a large number of police were deployed all over the state whether be it College Street or Bankura or Kanthi the pictures were the same. In this pre-announced program, led by the state President Samsul Alam and Manishkar Pattanayak, the state Secretary were prevented, and the police started blocking and charged lathi upon the peaceful rally. In some places like Manchantala in Bankura, Kanthi, the town in Purba Medinipur District, police even attacked the students-supporters. As a result, places of blockade became virtually a battlefield. The organization’s Kolkata district Secretary Abu Sayeed and President Sumon Das were arrested along with 28 students-leaders. At the same time in Bankura the NH-60 were blocked, including NH 34, 41 of the state, was cordoned off, the then moment police charged the lathi brutally all over in the programs of those districts. Police have arrested 11 student activists on non-bailable charges in Bankura and now in police custody. In Kanthi town in East Midnapore, the police beat the protesters. Hundreds of activists were arrested in the peaceful blockades near about 100 places all over the state.
Against these barbaric attacks and state negligence over Education ominous days are looming large upon the future days. And in such a time the saviours and protesters are thwarted behind the bars to rot but, an outcry is heard from the public. They are wishing and conveying the brave hearts their salute from the core of their heart.
Bengal ignited once again by the massive Students’ movement