Do not destroy the peaceful life in Lakshadweep. Solidarity for the conscientious struggle of Lakshadweep Residents – AIDSO

Binu Baby, President, Kerala State Committee, All India Democratic Students’ Organization (AIDSO) demanded the immediate withdrawal of policies that would destroy the peaceful life and livelihood of the people of Lakshadweep, and the recall of anti-people administrator Praful Patel. All the policies which have been implemented since Praful Patel, Modi’s loyal administrator, came to power has been anti – people barring none. Anganwadis were closed, meat was removed from the menu of educational institutions, and the island’s alcohol ban was lifted. In Lakshadweep, where health care facilities are limited, the…

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Students of the nation Stand in Solidarity with the Farmers

On completion of 6 months of the valiant Peasants’ Movement, Observe May 26 as a Black Day successfully – AIDSO Supporting the decision of the farmers to observe Black Day on 26 May 2021, Sourav Ghosh, the General Secretary, AIDSO has issued the following statement to the press today: All India Democratic Students’ Organisation (AIDSO) has been maintaining a strong and unwavering stand with the struggling peasants right from day one. We all know, that the farmers of our nation have been protesting on the borders of Delhi for the…

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